Pack away your wordy rhymes 'Cause it's all a waste of time You can't sell your precious art But there's a cure for bleeding hearts We've all gotta swim to the bottom The fun begins at the bottom The air gets thin at the bottom line It's deep - sea green at the bottom It gets pretty mean at the bottom It's a back - stabbin' scene at the bottom line Never mind your "noble" fight Or your whims of wrong & right You're getting weaker by the hour Because those ghost have lost their power They must kneel to the bottom That's what's real at the bottom Beg,borrow,steal at the bottom line But if you can score at the bottom You can hide from the roar of the bottom Of the cla** - color war at the bottom line
Trade your childhood guise For a suit of grown - up sighs Just a hypocrite,you see You're no different than me It's the haves & have - nots at the bottom Take your best shot at the bottom The soup's gettin' hot at the bottom line But once you take a drink from the bottom Like a stone you'll sink to the bottom There'll be no time to think at the bottom line There's a shady lookin' guy at the bottom Don't look him in the eye at the bottom Hurry on by at the bottom line Let the buyer beware at the bottom It ain't all about fair at the bottom I'll see you there at the bottom line It's the haves & have - nots Take your best shot at the bottom I'll save you a spot at the bottom line