You dance 'round the room, you are twisting and turning. Yeah, you are beautiful, that doesn't do. You want to be everything, everyone watching. Gypsy rags trailing to your henna tattoos. You're shining. You're one of the beautiful people. I saw you today in the theater. Everyone noticed your name in the lights. I guess you were right, you were right. And everything seemed so much easier a year ago. I'd never have guessed you'd have gotten so far.
My friends talked about you, they act like they know you. They say it's so cool to be up with a star. You're shining. You're one of the beautiful people. I saw you today in the paper. Everyone noticed your name in the lights. You're shining. You're one of the beautiful people. I see your face everywhere. And everyone noticed your name in the lights. I guess they were right, they were right.