FOOTSTEPS OF DOOM Text from J.R.R. TOLKIEN, adapted by PHILIPPA BOYENS, translation by DAVID SALO ( SINDARIN ) Man sí minna? Man ammen toltha i dann hen Amarth? I annan darthant dam morn Si dannatha (( Who enters here? Who brings to us this token of Doom? That which has stood so long against the darkness Will now fall. )) - - - THE REVELATION OF THE RINGWRAITHS
Text by PHILIPPA BOYENS Translation by DAVID SALO ( ADÛNAIC ) Nêbâbîtham Magânanê Nêtabdam dâur-ad Nêpâm nêd abârat-aglar Îdô Nidir nênâkham Bârî'n Katharâd (( We renounce our Maker We cleave to the darkness We take unto ourselves the power and glory Behold! We are the Nine The Lords of Unending Life. ))