Text by PHILIPPA BOYENS, translation by DAVID SALO
Durin ku bin-amrad
Ugmal sullu addad
Ku bakana ana aznân
Undu abad
Ku ganaga
Tur ganâd abanul
(( Durin who is d**hless
Eldest of all Fathers
Who awoke to darkness
Beneath the mountain
Who walked alone
Through halls of stone. ))
Durin ku bin-amrad
Uzbad Khazad-dûmu
Ku baraka Aznân
Ra karaka atkât
Ala lukhudizu!
Ala galabizu!
Ala ukratizu!
(( Durin who is d**hless
Lord of Khazad-dûm
Who cleaved the Dark
And broke the silence
This is your light!
This is your world!
This is your glory!
The Dwarrowdelf of Khazad-dûm! ))