When I was just a lad, could do no good or bad. I always dreamed in color, life rolled off of me And with the firm belief, they armed me to the teeth. And now I live to show you how much you meant to me I am with you now, and love will heal all wounds. Sing to me, and the devils lose Carry me close, carry m close to you We used to have a laugh, we both would share a splash. I never thought I'd lose you, we were thick as thieves The years were not so kind, couldn't tell you where I was when they kicked your door down to save you from yourself
I am with you now, and love will heal all wounds. Think of me, and the devils lose Carry me close, carry me close to you In a land of no, we were all your hopes. And you would stop a train with your head, just for me How come I couldn't stay when you were so afraid, just left you there with strangers, I'd do anything to change I am with you now, and love will heal all wounds. Think of me and the devils lose All that I ask is carry me back, carry me close to you