Maximum protection, ma**ive observation While questions marks get rejected, orders are imposed The eye custodes us all, protects us from delusion The delusion of liberty under the watchfull eye Under ma**ive observation Internal symbolic models collide Functional fixity Replaces spontaneous thought A subjective depiction of our reality? ...Or "their" objective depiction? In a time of fragile balances and unbalanced power One finds it difficult to distinguish reality from Reflection and truth from impression or which
Side of the mirror they are looking at... Walkers on a path uncertain In a world of prowlers being the prey Living what seems to be full lives Lives full of doubt The will to will, evaporates As will becomes the will Of a universal step brother In the tender hug Of the false "democracy" Daughter of tyrrant and of deceit Sister to subjection Sworn enemy of ( individual ) liberty One be the argument of.... "Absolute protection" Cleanse the tyrrant expose deceit Under the watchful eye