DJ Drama has revealed that fans can expect to hear the latest edition of Lil Wayne's 'Dedication' mixtape series soon. The two have already started recording 'Dedication 5' and Drama feels it is more of a nod to the first three tapes in the series. While Drama confirmed the tape last month, he has now revealed a few more details about the project "It's mostly freestyles. That's what 'Dedication' is known for," Drama told VIBE recently. He also disclosed information about how they will incorporate skits in the project. "We're also going to get the skits back," Drama added. "So we'll definitely get some of that entertaining value of Wayne talking what he talks, like in 'Dedication 1', Dedication '2' and Dedication '3'."
Fans will have to wait to discover more details about the project. Drama chose to be tight-lipped about guest spots. However, he did share that Wayne is "a monster" in regards to his work ethic. "Wayne's a monster when it comes to work," he shared. "He gets it all done."