Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. Coming to you live from d**h row in the city of brotherly love. The home of the cheese steak, the liberty bell, American bandstand and the strangulation of fair trial by the hands of the prosecutor in the robes himself. The blood s**ing parasite we'll refer to as our host for this mad orchestration of injustice. From “we” the people here's A declaration for you - f** you! For every dollar you've made off each conviction Send the innocent to prison In PA that's how crime pays All the judges, all the pigs, city council, and the DA's The people get stuck with the tax hikes and get played out like baseball One. Two. Three strikes, fourth Reich style Politicians in their bill bla** brown shirts
Blackball - that's how the tax dollars work Stop paying for their power Send them the message that they can not take another life No more light until there's justice No more cameras until there's action The revolution will not be televised If one dies, all of us die It's time time to take action “A courtroom can not make an innocent man guilty” It's time to pay back the commonwealth We have the right to not remain silent Anything we say has and will be used against us We have the right now to not remain silent Do not let them take it away This court is over-ruled and we will sustain our Objection Pay back the commonwealth Move on these pigs