"Tonight is a very dark night. What might happen tonight could change Equestria. I feel a new, dark presence, so all of you must be on guard. Please, wake up and don your Elements of Harmony. You must converge at the Library with due haste. Twilight is already heading there with hers." The stories she scrawled out were too planned out and uninteresting. Why must I still believe that even you would still be listening? A damaged bridge between the rules she'd make and those I'd call friends My pen is but a dulling sword whose sharpened ink would never mend. I'm sorry I didn't mean to fly away I'm sorry I've lost myself today I gave it all to something out there that I can't remember I gave my pride to someone and I watched it burn to embers Was it something that I said? An empty room, an empty bed This library is just a shadow of what it used to be. What once was hope when all these Elements still stood beside me Now helpless idling, these friends play off cacophonously Compare the products and the means will always come out to one
This game is zero-sum, I'm still to blame for all I've become I'm sorry I didn't mean to fly away I'm sorry I've lost myself today I chased maturity so long that I've learned to surrender I gave my mind to someone and I watched it burn to embers Was it something that I said? An empty room, an empty bed This library is just a shadow of what it used to be. And all it lost was… I've chased my destiny so long that I've learned to surrender. My friends now facing me afraid I'll turn our world to embers. Was it something that I said? These Elements are all but dead This Harmony is just a shadow of what it used to be. Was it something that I said? An empty room, an empty head This library is everything I've lost inside of me And I've grown… ...empty. … ---I'm sorry. ---Take off your elements…. ---...you won't need them anymore. Somebody told me of a Silly little thing called destiny Go unchecked, I'll go blind Finding how it got the best-- ...Forgive me.