Ashly: (Reading from her laptop.) ok everyone tell me what you think. i'm making a movie called dog in vegas. it will be a summer blockbuster. starring a golden retriever named dog. he doesn't talk btw. so it opens with dog getting kicked out of his house in vegas. at the same time david spade is being evicted from his house so he tries to win some money at the casino. he ends up winning 1000$ which gets blown away in the wind then dog comes across it and takes it to many casinos. he starts winning it big at the super casino. lots of musical montages like james brown I Feel good and lots of scene's of dog pushing in poker chips wtih that puppet paw thing then christiphor walken who is the casino's manager notices that dog is winning lots of money so he tries to swindel dog out of his money and now david spade and christopher walken are chasing dog from place to place at which point there is a montage of one way or another i'm gonna getcha getcha getcha ya know...that song. and one scene of dog running through a bar top and spilling a drink on paris hilton and she lowers her gla**es and says hat's not hot...yeah and uh david spade and dog end up being pals somehow and stickin' it to christopher walken. so yeah it's a disney film and ya know i'm sure there's gonna be sequals and stuff like dog in DC but yeah who knows. tell me watcha think ash ;)....(btw this is a joke kinda although i think it could sell)
(One guy in the audience begins a slow clap.) (Everyone stands up and enthusiastically applauds.) (Ash raises her fist in triumph.) (Credits) (Grant holds up a penis drawing.)