Anthony: Hey Ashly, whatcha playing? Ash: Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Ash: (Tapping on the fan) Come on... come on... (Tapping on the door knob) come on! Damn it... damn it! Come on. (Tapping on the socket) (Struggling to reach the ceiling fan) Egh... egh... ah f** it. (Tapping on the standup lamp, pulls out a coin) Yessss! Ash: Ashly? Where the hell are you going? Ant: Professor just got paid. Puzzle 07: Which prostitute has gonorrhea? Narrator: You've approached a group of prostitutes. One of them has gonorrhea. Prostitute A says that prostitute B has gonorrhea. Prostitute B says that it is A who has gonorrhea. Prostitute C says that both A and B have gonorrhea. Prostitute D is a dog. Only one of these prostitutes is telling the truth. The others are of course lying. Can you figure out which prostitute actually has gonorrhea?
Ash: (Ponders in Layton style.) I don't give a sh**! CORRECT Ash: Every puzzle has an answer. (Shuffles toward them with pants around ankles.) Ant: Where the hell were you? Ash: (Ponders in Layton style.) I was at the movies. Ant: You were getting who*es, weren't you. (Ash pulls down her hat in defeat.) (Credits) Ash: (Forms lines of coke with a credit card and snorts one) Ahhh, creativity and persistence