Ant: So I was talking with Ashly, and she agreed with a lot of the things that uh you guys said about our Left 4 Dead episode, which was really not so much Left 4 Dead related as rage zombie related, it could have been just a parody of a zombie movie, and not necessarily related to Left 4 Dead. So to combat that, uh, Ashly offered to make a sort of How To Not s** At Left 4 Dead video guide, that she's just sent to me, and uh I'm gonna show it to you, and hopefully it will teach you some interesting tips on how to be a better teammate in Left 4 Dead. Uh, but let's watch it.
(Compilation of Boomer stuff while "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!!" plays) (Anthony facepalms) (Credits) (A Let's Player shoots a Boomer)