Ladies and ladies We've pitched this tent In the middle of a field For your entertainment So strip right down And step right up Join the carnal carnival Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the big top All taking part In the carnal carnival Nothing's wrong with a little curiosity No Indulge yourself in your own private fantasy Yes The fun house of mirrors Tend to exaggerate Our plans for you are quite elaborate You bought yourself a ticket So in you go Now you're part of the show Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the big top All taking part In the carnal carnival I'm sure you could tell when You stroll down the midway Nothing 'round here gets done only halfway The not so bearded lady and the giant clam A 3 ring circus, but a one night stand
Get all your kicks in while you can The greatest production on land Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the big top All taking part In the carnal carnival Ha ha ha haaa Behold the Lady of Siam With her monstrous electric yam An act so fiendishly delicious And weirdly nutritious Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the big top All taking part In the carnal carnival Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the big top All taking part In the carnal carnival Step right up, step right up Wonders of the world And the not so plausible Look what we've got Under the tent All taking part You're takin part We're all takin part In the carnal carnival