Ladies and gentlemen, it's Henry Lin back on the mic I'm here again The evidence of these pathetic peasants' memories been fading when they start to get aggressive They forgetting if you come at the king you best not miss, like this is Maryland Your pitiful attempts to rattle me: embarra**ing, finish him grab your spine and rip out your entire skeleton Yeah, I'm known to have committed every sin in the Quran, Torah and the Bible, both Testaments Petulant keyboard feminists you better beware Sit the f** down or you're going to leave in a wheelchair I guarantee call my rhymes Brexit ‘cause after me You worthless piece of sh** will get pounded down harder than the currency No one can rival what I do lyrically Hidden is the 'Mind Of a Genius' like Zhu's identity They can't comprehend what's contained inside my mind ‘cause it's iller than Hopsin's all eight of them combined My verses are the straight pure, transparent crystals, the result to distillate raw and separate dope Ill enough that if you wage war, leave you stage four, head shaved bald calling Ashley Martin and Shane Warne Thinking you can step, you're more delusional than Meghan Trainor when she thought of writing “No, no, no” You can't be serious, I doubt that anyone with eyes could even stomach your stomach drooping like a tongue over your thighs This fat acceptance thing man I'm sick of it A bunch of over-sensitive cry-baby hypocrites Cause it's one thing to motivate but another to say it's perfectly okay to be overweight, lazy, eating garbage everyday
Never heard a flow alike to me when I ride the beat, I'm coming for you copycat rappers like this was hide and seek That's right you weak either apologise or wait ‘til I find you and slice open your Adam's apple quicker than Devine and Leigh Now before you flex, consider this ‘cause here is the difference: you act tough and start fights, I finish it Diss you twice with one line, search it up on Genius, when the only time you're “ill” is before the word “iterate” I guess you probably realized now you picked the wrong quiet Asian kid to push around You better duck and take cover, I grab Pauline Hanson by the hair and punch her face so many times they're the same color as her neck too I go zero to one hundred, spit the sharpest on a BluntedBeat you get beaten with blunt traumas You're hardly a weapon, cutting your face when I knock you so hard you see two of me like I'm Tom Hardy in Legend I'm f**ing relentless, so pray or rub a genie lamp that I'll restrain from burying (Berrying) your corpse like you were Ethan Brad Woah, it's just a prank bro, it's just a prank, I'll leave you concussed but doubt you even have a brain You're all fake, all the f**ing same same, special snowflakes: go and crawl back to your safe space Please respond, please respond, no surprise, see my face when these pussies close their eyes, traumatized