I No riches from his scanty store My lover could impart; He gave a meant his love III But now for me, in search of gain From shore to shore he flies: Why wander riches to obtain,boon I valued more— He gave me all his heart! II His soul sincere, his gen'rous worth Might well this bosom move; And when I ask'd for bliss on earth I only When love is all I prize?
IV The frugal meal, the lowly cot If blest my love with thee! That simple fare, that humble lot Were more than wealth to me V While he the dang'rous ocean braves My tears but vainly flow: Is pity in the faithless waves To which I pour my woe? VI The night is dark, the waters deep Yet soft the billows roll; Alas! at every breeze I weep— The storm is in my soul