Eastern sun, Southern fire, Western rain, Northern star: Circled within, Kith unto kin, We are bound. Walk we now through this glade, As our ancestor made. Here lies revealed Our truths concealed: We are bound. Sea and stone Salt and loam Hearth and home In us resounding. Oh, pressed are we To be slaves unto men. Oh, yet we be Blessed beyond mortal ken. Oh, to be freed And reborn once again--
We are bound. To your tasks lay your hands, Though we tread foreign lands. Still we may part: Heart unto heart We are bound. Sea and stone Salt and loam Hearth and home In us resounding. Oh, severed still from the land we adored. Oh, of one wil, of one love of the Lord By the cup, by the cross, by the sword We are bound. Sea and stone Salt and loam Hearth and home In us resounding.