There's lipstick stain on the steering wheel of pain Touch the bu*ton we all end in a flash Humor loves tragedy when you awake from the imagery Like sweat that drips from the Savior's bloody back It's anestesia that sings, electric shock always stings I wish my mind didn't race so fast I'm available to suffer in the conscience of others Tell the fascist not to offend my inner voice Introspection Ma** deception Brain diffusion Mind intrusion Internal drips falling from the same drain Iterations, helpless circle though my brain Cheer up the asylum I've got a life sentence At the graveyard I roll on broken gla** I long to be in places I dream The carnival that dances all night But lately my dreams have been more of screams And insomnia has dropped by for a snack There is still one place where devils dare go And hope is my friend in the dark
It feels like a thousand years ago living the tombs demon possessed screaming in the night breaking the chains that hold me, I tore them from my feet ripping my flesh with jagged stones bleeding into the earth, I tormented my people as I was being tormented myself, I saw Him from a distance and fell at His feet "what do you want with me Jesus son of the most high God, swear to God you won't torture me" I screamed "Come out of this man you evil spirit, what is your name?" "Legion for we are many" then the demons that begged and evil spirits left and went into a herd of pigs two thousand in number rushed off the cliff and drowned, I now stand in my right mind telling you all Jesus has done for me, beg Him to stay and send your pigs off the cliff. Matthew 5:1-20 Drive your demons in the pigs Drive your pigs off the cliff