By flickering sundown, come to the window
And lean on me, let me receive
Your arms round my neck, your head on my head-
And let us conjoin in the eve.
So blended, toward one bright, terrible Glory
Our eyes will turn, silent, and see.
On seas of the light we'll set, in the sunset,
Our innermost fantasies free,
And rustling like doves, desirously wild,
They'll home for the distance, the height,
To reach violet ridges, islands of glory.
And there they will calmly alight...
Those islands afar! Those same worlds on high
Which all of our dreams foretell,
Which rendered us strangers under all Heaven,
Converted our lives into Hell;
Those islands of gold for which we so thirsted
As if for a homeland, whose way
All stars of the night kept signaling out
To us with one quivering ray....
On them we were left, no friend or companion:
Two flowers cast out to the sands,
Two lost ones who seek a thing lost forever
As strangers upon a strange land.