You left without a trace Afraid to show your f*cking face You are a piece of sh**...TRAITOR Murdering is too good For the f*cking likes of you Pain is what you deserve...TRAITOR Revenge is what I want, I can't f*cking wait To finally track you down, protective custody Is what you will need, to keep me from hurting you Your day will come soon, with a terrifying speed Your painful destiny...TRAITOR I am coming to hunt you down It's only a matter of time, until you are found
You left without a trace Afraid to show your f*cking face You are a piece of sh**...TRAITOR Murdering is too good For the f*cking likes of you Pain is what you deserve...TRAITOR Revenge is what I want, I can't f*cking wait To finally track you down, protective custody Is what you will need, to keep me from hurting you Your day will come soon, with a terrifying speed Your painful destiny...TRAITOR