Cathedral of our City of the Angels, Los Angeles, 03.01.14 - Morality poem (for Alessandro) I have like 2% health in this conversation so if you say something crazy it'll k** me. When bad things happen i tend to write myself a poem about it and hope that makes it ok rather than confront what it might mean I'm still here and the poem's still happening Beyond the view of crossroads ringed with breath her d**h appeared, knowing her so lovingly O d**h you're not supposed to be here I hurt you and you leave “Welcome to your Cathedral. Please observe a spirit of reverence in “this house of prayer for all peoples.” No food or drink inside. Turn off cell phones and pagers. Thank you & God bless you.” America is the place where I feel free >(^^)>
2bhonest in love with someone on the other side of the thing (technology) but otherwise happy. I can't believe I was sick out your car in the parking lot in the house of prayer for all peoples Repentance makes your face so messy. I imagine all sorts of space and time as a cathedral, non-symmetrical the walls are covered with me. I love the idea of people listening to poetry and agreeing with it Individual confession at the expense of collective action Poetry that stirs the heartstrings Teardrops in the snow At the chinese restaurant you asked me how do you compare emotions and idk like Tarot cards, maybe you trade them and you go. u can stop talking to me on messenger now k** the anger. k** the grief Repress me ☆☆☆