He's got two bent pigs in the crash downstairs below
Stewing at the door I said, "Why you so slow?"
Got a schizophrenic acquaintance patient no place to go,
Stuck with his dick through my window.
We're moving in, on, with you,
You're moving in, on me and,
Henny Penny, co*ky Locky, Goosey Loosey
Turkey Lurky, Ducky Lucky, Chicky Licky
It seems we're all on the move when the sound's falling in,
It seems we're all on the move when the sound's falling in,
I'd say they're all on the move when the sky's coming in
You got four muddy pigs in the flat downstairs below.
Stomping at the door he say "Why you so slow?",
Got a schizophrenic acquaintance patient no place to go,
Stuck with his dick through my Afghani window.
We're moving in, on, with you,
You're moving in, on me and,
Penny Penny, co*ky Locky, Goosey Loosey,
Turkey Lurky. Tricky Licky, Ducky Lucky,
I'd say we're all on the move when the sound's falling in,
I'd say we're all on the move when the sound's falling in,
I'd say they're all on the move when the door's coming in
I like a bit of a cavort, old ladies and important inhabitants