I got a rock in my shoe My jeans are cutting me in two My underwears to tight My clothes don't ever fit right My collars so tight it's popping my veins We walk around in constant pain When I get home from work I usually start with my shirt I leave a trail behind When I undress I unwind I like to let it all hang out Hey don't you know what I am talking about We like to get Buck naked, that ain't no sin Buck naked, wearing my skinny skin skin Buck naked, in my birthday suit Buck naked and I don't give a hoot Buck naked, like a centerfold Buck naked is the way to go I joined a nudist colony They make me green with envy They don't spend no money on clothes They got their own dress code The walk around "au naturel" No more expensive dry cleaning bills
They just like to get Buck naked, swimmin' on the beach Buck naked, they're so squeaky clean Buck naked, in their birthday suits Buck naked now ain't they cute Buck naked, they're the sun worship set Buck naked what you sees what you get My girl says you don't know how it feels To walk around in panty hose and high heels You oughta try to wear a bra all day You don't know the price a girls gotta pay We wear our clothes so tight we can't move She says you don't know what a women goes though It feels so good to get Buck naked, like adam and eve Buck naked, like the monkeys in the trees Buck naked, like tarzan and jane Buck naked no more high fasion pain Buck naked, like a centerfold Buck naked is the way to go Ahhhh....