THE NEW WEARS OFF TOO FAST Writers Hank Thompson, Billy Gray To someone new you're about to go But after the Charm has pa**ed You'll come back because I know the new wears off too fast. You're like a Kid with a brand new toy but the luster just won't last, Your latest love is a pa**ing joy 'Cause the new wears off too fast... CHORUS You find a fascination In loving someone new They draw you like a magnet and then you say"we're thru!" The love you thought was pure as gold was just as cheap as bra** I knew his love would soon grow old 'cause the new wears off t oo fast You say you found another one who's really in your cla** But you'll find he's not your kind 'Cause the new wears off too fast All that glitters is not gold Gems alone, don't flash, Your one-time thing is a pa**ing fling 'Cause the new wears off too fast CHORUS