North south east or west I just can't figure which a way is best I'm a ramblin' man not much to lose I just wait and let the four winds choose Well I blew up north to a mining town I met a little gal thought I'd settle down She offered me love with a silver and gold But the north wind came and my feet got cold North south east or west... Well I roamed down south to Lousiann I won me a rig from a wildcat man But I'm glad I left when the first wind came Whe next three winds brought a hurricane North south east or west... Well I went back east to the Hudson Bay
I found me a place I thought I'd like to stay But I smelt the salt from the ocean breeze I wound up a sailin' on the seven seas North south east or west... Well an ill wind a blew me a way out west Across the desert and the mountain crest Over one more hill I'm bound to find The very same thing I left behind North south east or west... Now when I die don't bury me Hang me high in a tall tall tree My bones won't rest in the ground below They just gotta move when the four winds blow North south east or west... North south east or west...