Each day that pa**es makes me stop and ask, "Why so such hurt and pain on this ole planet?" "Why are we so deaf to each others cries?" "To their tearful eyes?" "Why do we close our minds?" "Do we wear facades?" "Do we masquerade with the ones we say we appreciate?" We preach love not hate and how to meditate but we dont relate! "Are we somehow fakes?" Its time we realize and open our eyes. Its time that we get wise and drop all disguise. Its time to swallow those fears and no more lies. Its time to unmask the love we hold inside. We build temples so high till they reach the sky; teach on modern times. "Are we teaching lies?" "When we know things arent right should we criticize? Should we turn our heads even close our eyes?" "Do we wear facades?" "Do we masquerade
with the ones we say we appreciate?" We preach love not hate and how to meditate but we dont relate! "Are we somehow fakes?" Its time we realize and open our eyes. Its time that we get wise and drop all disguise. Its time to swallow our fears and no more lies. Its time to unmask the love we hold inside Lets stop this insanity. Lets stop the indifference. Lets all except our blame. Lets let the truth be our sole aim. Lets stop this insanity. Lets stop the indifference. Lets all except our blame. Lets let the truth be our sole aim. Its time we realize and open our eyes. Its time that we get wise and drop all disguise. Its time to swallow our fears and no more lies. Its timento unmask the love we hold inside Its time!