I fell down hit by lightning
Then, unconscious, I dropped off
Light shining from the puddle, in darkness the moonlight is so dim
I'm tied down with strange bonds
Consciousness brings only tears
I fell for the third time, will somebody set me back on my feet
I seek Samaria with dead gaze
And a man who could understand
The d**h of the firstborn which brings hope through bitter tears
Poor strongman, where are you?
Help me understand this truth
Verses read by the coffin. Job's history, black covered book
Stand on the road to eternity
Make me a little sensitive
I hold my hand out as if in fog
Someone's here but is it him?
Roaming between shadows
I was naked among cold breaths
A light in the tunnel dimmed, like a red setting sun
Returning from a journey
I felt the angel over me
Kissing the pavement – like a rose growing in the rotten heap for years
Stand on the road to eternity
Make me a little sensitive
I hold my hand out as if in fog
Someone's here but is it him