Strange world of viscera and diseases Infected dimension of decay and rot Pustular cysts and tumorous organs Drowned in a sea of bubbling pus S.O.S The morbid sound corrodes my ears I exhume the vinyl to consume it again I don't know how to explain I'm sickly obsessed Slash dementia destroyed my brain I dissected this recording for 20 years With surgical precission and forensic patience
Song by song consumed in gore Now my cerebrum is pulped with cranial collapse A bloody mess Rancid stench Rotting flesh Crepitating bowel erosion Ruptured in purulence Embryonic necropsy and devourment Swarming vulgar ma** Cadaveric incubator, Slash dementia Reek of putrefaction Empathological necroticism Abdominal emanation, Exhume to consume