In to the stench I go, defecated stench de nocte
an*l stench of an*s, puking reek of putrefaction
The heat of rotting ma** so mesmerizing to my soul
The reek of devoured matter so invoking for my mind
Am I a stenchminder or an*s inruptor?
True stench never dies and the fume must be resorbed!
The confecal stench of decomposure, I smell the rotting
Exuming the gas of deteriorating necropsy
Stench de nocte so emphatic, glaring in the dark
Concentrated, intoxicating and nauseating
Stench of an*s, kult de nocte
Exhemal grind of consumation
Acrid snort
Turns the brain
In to pus
A sickening asphyxiation