(Intro – Malcolm X) “And when I speak, I don't speak as a Democrat. Or a Republican. I speak as a victim… of America's so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy, all we've seen is hypocrisy. We open our eyes today and look around America, we see America, not through the eyes of someone who has enjoyed the fruits of Americanism. We see America through the eyes of someone who has been the victim of Americanism. We don't see any American dream. We've experienced only the American nightmare.” I come full force Like a bat out of hell On the White House lawn With a pocketful o' shells Til the White House gone And my Pops doin' well And George W. Bush Is locked in a cell What the f**!? They stole the election again And you want me to pretend I'm the President's friend? He had plans for Afghanistan On September 10 I'd rather see the President dead Like Eminem It's that simple The whole world's against you You've never been Through the hell we live through I hope there's a God And I hope he don't forgive you I hope there's a lake of fire That you get sent to And I hope that there's a heaven That my Mother could get into If anyone deserves it It's the woman that kept you How many babies born Cuz abortion is sinful And left to die in a dumpster When they a month old? ‘Scuse me My mind's wanderin' now But I choose to believe He knocked them towers down There's over a hundred thousand Iraqis in the ground And Osama Bin Laden's still not to be found So who's the terrorist? Scarin' Americans With national security and gay marriages There's Big Brother cameras In ghetto areas They always watchin' Like the eyes on the pyramids (Fred Hampton) “They can do anything they want to to us. We might not be back, I might be in jail, I might be anywhere. But when I leave, you can remember I said, that the last words on my lips were that, ‘I am a revolutionary!'”
(Huey P. Newton) “The police in our community occupy our area, our community, as a foreign troop occupies territory. And the police are in our community not to promote our welfare or our security or our safety, but they are there to contain us, to brutalize us and murder us.” The world's f**ed And it's only getting' worse What's your life worth When you sleep in the dirt? But the first shall be last And the last shall be first I'm waitin' on the day That we inherit the Earth ‘Cause until then Everywhere is war When the children can't breathe Clean air no more And the homeless stampede The grocery stores Working within the system Is a hopeless cause I'm a freedom fighter For those that are suffering My people Not Democrats or Republicans My people Sleepin' on the sidewalk struggling My people Standin' out on my block hustlin' Show no loyalty To this puppet government If they don't suffer with my people, well f** ‘em then They spent 200 billion On Saddam And people still starvin' In south Tucson And I don't support the troops So let it be known They're murderin' people For defendin' their homes Cause you can't be against war And for the soldiers Til' they turn they guns on they officers And takeover It's crazy But this is how the world made me I was raised by wolves Your church can't save me Die in the street Before I live in a cell On the White House lawn With a pocketful o' shells Yeah! (Malcolm X) “It'll be the ballot. Or it'll be the bullet. It'll be liberty. Or it will be d**h. And if you're not ready to pay that price… don't use the word ‘freedom' in your vocabulary