Empty eyes following your steps
Solely a**igned to taste your Flesh
Far beyond any hesitation
Soon you will meet the Undead
And he stands before you in all his pride
Once a human, brought Immortal life
For the price of eartlhy being
He was blessed with k**ing spree
The Blood before your eyes clouds your perception
Is this for real or just a dream?
As you feel the claws Ripping through your bone
One word echoes inside your head
Blood For Master
Blood For My Soul
Now that I have joined the Undead
I've learned the Pleasures of the Flesh
For the price of earthly being
I roam the night Immortalized
Now I stand before you in all my pride
Once a human brought Immortal life
And to bring you into our world
I command the draining of your Blood
Blood For Master
Blood For My Soul