Aye, aye, aye Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye, aye Aye Ooo, oh, oh Doo, doo, da, da Doo, doo Doo, doo, da, da Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo Doo, doo, da, da Doo, doo Doo, doo, dum, da, da, da Doo, doo, doo, doo Doo, doo, da, da Doo, doo Doo, doo, da, da, da, da Doo, doo, doo, doo Nuh At first we started off real cool Taking me places I ain't never been But now You're getting comfortable Ain't doing those things you did no more Slowly making me pay for things your money should be handling And then you ask to use my car, car Drive it all day and don't fill up the tank And you Have the audacity to even come and step to me Ask to hold some money from me Until you get your cheque next week
You're trifling Good for nothing type of brother Oh silly me Why haven't I found another A baller When times get hard Need someone to help me out Instead of a scrub like you Who don't know what a man's about If you wanna be with me Do what you gotta do boy Cos I need security Not an immature boy Can you pay my Can you pay my bills Need to know that What we have is real Can you pay my bills Can you pay my telephone bills Can you pay my automo' bills If you did then maybe we can chill Can you pay my Can you pay my bills Need to know that What we have is real I don't think you do so boy Well, that means that me and you are no more