Atar rucinyë
Oialë larin
Huinë evelien
Sina á cendë
Furë nu formeny' Isil
Saur' áva cendë
Man norta ni ta?
Uin merë quetës
Issë merenyë
Umëa engwë
Manan nyarilyë úqua mindo muinë?
Ya**' entementaninyes
Sina man? Selyal man?
Enetyuvan heru i cuina mi hui
Father, I am afraid
I am ever listening
I have seen a darkness
Show me this
It lies hidden under northern Moon
Don't look at that abhorred thing
Who lives in it?
I do not wish to speak of it
I desire understanding
An evil thing
Why are you telling me nothing of the secret tower?
Once upon a time I banished him
What is it? Who do you mean?
Again I shall cast out the one who lives in darkness
Let it be!