Words and music by ginny owens: bmg songs, inc. (gospel Division)/above the rim music (administered by bmg songs, inc.) (ascap) Got a stack of books so i could learn how to live; Many are left half-read covered by the cobwebs on my shelf. And i got a list of laws growing longer everyday; If i keep pluggin' away, maybe one day i'll perfect myself. Oh, but all of my labor seems to be in vain; And all of my laws just cause me more pain;
So i fall before you in all of my shame; Ready and willing to be changed- Chorus: Own me Take all that i am, And heal me! With the blood of the lamb. Mold me with your gracious hand; Break me till i'm only yours- Own me! You call me daughter, And take my blame; You run to meet me, As i cry out your name, So i fall before you in all of my shame, Lord, i am ready to be changed