Mummified with invisible forms. Premonition shines the skin. Embryos in their essence. Where nothing has their glance cursed. Perched strong as a terrible fate. Transform oneness to wonder. Falling long unto chaotic dawn that cleansed our silvered hair. Arrows weep for war. Red rains soak the flight. Drinking of the stream. The oak of endless night. Statues fire-sworn. Winds that chants the hymns. Demons renovate our lucid limbs. Never the thorns linger. Architecture now bled dry. Ravishing satin shade now hung from the kindred noose. Arrows weep for war. Red rains soak the flight. Drinking of the stream. The oak of endless night. Demons renovate our lucid limbs. Mummified with invisible forms. Embryos in their essence. Perched strong as a terrible fate. Falling long unto chaotic dawn.