In the codex of memory the foundation the basement floor the contraband we carry around in our heads the empirical raw material and after all I'm a surveyor's son trying to make sense of the same warped projections reality redacted to our needs a human artifice on physical space and after all I'm a woman's son trying to stay right in a world made for sons a privileged recognition to lift my feet from the dregs of all that's pa**ed there's never a second chance to do what should be done there's never a second chance to do what should be done Context: Substructure In 1844 Heinrich Heine wrote: "Ye fools, so closely to search my trunk! Ye will find in it really nothing: My contraband goods I carry about in my head, not hid in my clothing." To me this brings up the formidable nature of ideas and memory. Ideas are intangible and cannot be seized or searched through like so much baggage, regardless of their seditious nature or illegality. They maintain fluidity outside of the bonds of simple belief. Similarly, memory is a realm that can be shared, but is truly singular in the mind of those who experienced it, resurfacing in reflection or sensual impetus. What is a psyche but the memories and ideas stored away in the recesses of our brains? The human mind is unbelievably strong and complex; the question is how we will employ this capability.