Since the tide of yore and long gone before from the crowded nursery to troughs and cresting waves in a sea of sh** our potentes carry us along until we don't even know if it's the carrot or stick we're being beaten with can you quantify your use or qualify your subsistence the bottom demands action in the oil spread over troubled waters in the jobless city in the depressed polity frustration is the thesis browbeat back by force the bruised and battered corpse of the every (wo)man Context:
Reduction Economic fraud can only go so far before it collapses under its own weight. Due to both overstretched means, advantage manipulated from the top and systemic provocation of cut-and-run ethics, we end up back where every "depression" rests: at the expense of the people who cannot pay for it. So, now universities and state nonprofit subsidies — as well as personal financial security — are set back years because of easily navigable loopholes. Frustration is the thesis when subsistence wages and "getting by" are the standard.