In our unpaid debt to the future liability grows in exponent or will I just look back to suture gaping wounds of impropriety as grasping lungs grow older do they lose the boiling blood for the street fight the late night where every breath that is drawn is drawn to keep on breathing or is the song of peace a tune I only half understand first world first hand and as a limited experience the next generation can with a clear conscience say we've learned this backward we've had enough but the question still comes up in that split second when things get rough
Context: Extreme Duress The efficacy and causes of violence will forever be debated, but in many parts of the United States, I think it is fair to point out our limited exposure to the violence seen daily in war-torn areas all over the world. It is perhaps important to think about "first world" misconceptions of large-scale violence as something often perpetrated at a great distance to people you will probably never meet and who are completely unlike you. This is simply not true and engenders an irresponsible separation of humanity along borderlines.