He had dark eyes that saw pa**ed her defenses When he got down on his knees When he touched her He didn't have to ask her She laid back and urged him, "Please." And he worked slow Like a bridegroom with a virgin She was begging when he bit her When she gave in What she gave up didn't matter She was all his when it hit her Full moon, no hesitation It was much more than a whim Full moon, no hesitation When she gave herself to him Oh, his blue eyes watched with every kind of wonder While she let down her hair Like the gold light when the sun is on the river Like the answer to his prayer She had white skin like his mother's favorite lilies And she opened like a bud When she kissed him She stung him so completely That he barely missed the blood Full moon, no hesitation He had never been so sure Full moon, no hesitation When he gave himself to her He had deep eyes Deeper than the ocean off the coast of paradise I was breathless when he talked about forever
I didn't think about it twice When he took me I gave him all he wanted I surrendered to the feeling He was hungry It was more than just survival When I filled his holy need You might choose to call it superstition You might think we're victims of the night But here we are with your full permission Both of us will wet our appetite Now you're trembling And I know what you have needed And I've tasted what you'll give me And in moments I'll be more than only hopeful I'll go down and take you with me In a instant you be timeless as the winter You'll be endless as the rain Just a drop now And you'll know a thousand lifetimes And you'll thank me for the pain Full moon, no hesitation I'll be yours eternally Full moon, no hesitation You'll be young and strong and free No hesitation You'll be mine gratefully Full moon When you give yourself When you give yourself to me Give yourself to me