There are seven of red and there are six of white It's the blood and truth of the stars and stripes Through a perilous night, with our banner waved In the land of the free, in the home of the brave Late twentieth century with 'Generation X' Never has there been a group more patrioic-less As the bells of freedom ring in the name of liberty We run down each other chasing the American dream Who will help to lead the way back to what made our land so great? Is there anyone who will say, "This is God's country?" Calling the new Americans, ready to make a stand Ready to take back the land Calling the new Americans, rich and poor, young and old Have been bought and can't be sold It's from coast to coast like a growing storm There's an army of the young living above the norm Four words that you will find on a dollar bill They are more than an empty slogan but the pa**ion by which we live So come join us in the fight and run to right Calling the new Americans, ready to make a stand Ready to take back the land
Calling the new Americans , rich and poor, young and old Have been bought and can't be sold Calling the new Americans, red, yellow, black and white Who'll never ever give up the fight Calling the new Americans We all know the hour's late, this ain't no time to hesitate My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty Of thee, I sing Land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride Of thee, I sing It's time we hit our knees and cry out humbly Jesus, heal us We are the new Americans, ready to take a stand Ready to take back the land We are the new Americans, rich and poor, young and old Have been bought and can't be sold We are the new Americans, red, yellow, black and white Who'll never ever give up the fight We are the new Americans who vote and buy it, make the choice And speak for those without a voice We are the new Americans Who vote and buy it, make the choice And speak for those without a voice Calling the new Americans, are you out there?