Songs: "Quotation marks"
- Example: "Blood on the Leaves"
Albums: Italics
- Example: Ys
Films: Italics
- Example: The Big Lebowski
Television Shows: Italics
- Example: Breaking Bad
Episodes of Television Shows: "Quotation marks"
- Example: "Hardhome"
Written Publications: Italics
- Example: Pitchfork
Novels/Books: Italics
- Example: Tractatus-Logico Philosophicus
Plays: Italics
- Example: Romeo and Juliet
Works of Art: Italics
- Example: Mona Lisa
Essays: "Quotation Marks"
- Example: "On the Decay of the Art of Lying", "Thomas Le Moineau (Le Moile)"
Short Poems: "Quotation Marks"
- Example: "Fire and Ice"
Long Poems: Italics
- Example: Paradise Lost
Sacred texts such as The Bible: capitalized, but no other formatting
- Example: The Bible