CHAPTER 53 When then Jesus had said this unto his disciples, he said unto them: "Now, therefore, let him whom his spirit stirreth, come forward and speak the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia." Peter answered and said: "O Lord, concerning this thy light-power prophesied aforetime through David in the one-hundred-and-nineteenth Psalm; saying: "'1. I cried unto thee, O Lord, in my oppression, and thou hearkenest unto me. "'2. O Lord, save |101. my soul from unjust lips and from crafty tongues. "'3. What will be given unto thee or what will be added unto thee with a crafty tongue? "'4. The arrows of the strong [one] are made sharp with the coal of the desert.
"'5. Woe unto me, that my dwelling is far off, and I dwelt in the tents of Kedar. "'6. My soul hath dwelt in many regions as a guest. "'7. I was peaceful with them who hate peace; if I spake unto them, they fought against me without a cause.' "This is now, therefore, O Lord, the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia, which she hath uttered when the material emanations of Self-willed oppressed her, they and his lion-faced power, and when they oppressed her exceedingly." Jesus said unto him: "Well said, Peter, and finely. This is the solution of the tenth repentance of Pistis Sophia."