CHAPTER 92 It came to pa** then, when Jesus had finished saying these words unto his disciples, that they rejoiced in great joy and exulted when they heard Jesus say these words. And Jesus continued again in the discourse and said unto them: "Hearken, therefore, now still further, O my disciples, so that I discourse with you concerning the whole gnosis of the mystery of the Ineffable. "That mystery of the Ineffable knoweth why unmercifulness hath arisen and why mercifulness hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why ruin hath arisen and why everlasting eternity hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the reptiles have arisen and why they will be destroyed. "And that mystery knoweth why the wild beasts have arisen |210. and why they will be destroyed. "And that mystery knoweth why the cattle have arisen and why the birds have arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the mountains have arisen and why the precious stones therein have arisen.
"And that mystery knoweth why the matter of gold hath arisen and why the matter of silver hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the matter of copper hath arisen and why the matter of iron and of stone hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the matter of lead hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the matter of gla** hath arisen and why the matter of wax hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why herbs, that is the vegetables, have arisen and why all matters have arisen. "And the mystery knoweth why the waters of the earth and all things in them have arisen and why also the earth hath arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the seas |211. and the waters have arisen and why the wild beasts in the seas have arisen. "And that mystery knoweth why the matter of the world hath arisen and why it [the world] will be utterly destroyed."