Ancient Rites |
Furor Gallico
Banshee |
Furor Gallico
Bright Eyes |
Furor Gallico
Cathubodva |
Furor Gallico
Curmisagios |
Furor Gallico
Diluvio |
Songs from the Earth
Eremita |
Songs from the Earth
Folletto Squa** |
Songs from the Earth
Golden Spiral |
Furor Gallico
La Caccia Morta |
Furor Gallico
La Notte dei Cento Fuochi |
Songs from the Earth
Medhelan |
Furor Gallico
Miracolous Child |
Furor Gallico
Nemàin's Breath |
Songs from the Earth
Steam over the Mountain |
Songs from the Earth
The Glorious Dawn |
Furor Gallico
The Gods Have Returned |
Furor Gallico
The Song of the Earth |
Songs from the Earth
To the End |
Songs from the Earth
Venti Di Imbolc |
Furor Gallico
Wild Jig of Beltaine |