You checked the right side Forgot about the left You checked behind you Forgot about in front You didn't see it coming You were already dead There was no way You could have prepared Spinning its web it lies in wait In the blink of an eye it's too late And the ones who thought they could handle it all They're the first to fall NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR ENEMY YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP YOUR HEAD IN ONE SWIFT MOTION IT COULD HAPPEN SO FAST YOU MAY NOT EVEN KNOW YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD You checked the right side Forgot about the left You checked behind you Forgot about in front You didn't see it coming
You were already dead There was no way You could have prepared The dragons stir deep in their hive Sniffing the air they come alive Each step you take could be your last Just pray that it happens fast [chorus] Don't go down that hall You may not like what you find Don't open that door You may not like what's inside [chorus] And everything you've done And every fight you've won And everything you've seen: it won't mean a thing Because you can't track it Can't stop it Can't escape it Can't outgun it Can't fathom where it is: But look behind you Cause there it is