Sit back And feel the silence in the air If the world's a threat There's a beauty in surrendering Out From beyond the confines of your case There's a beauty in surrendering And in from the outside A collapse brings the news In from the outside: An emergency Just feel the volume of the air If the world's a threat There's a beauty in surrendering This is designed to be the harbinger of something more DEPORTATION AND RETURN At least on the outside There's a market for these painful poses Wrapped around your world And when we're on the outside There's a market force that's smooth and silent Wrapped around your world And it's crying for business
I don't know where we get off The hours pa** through empty days And day is night when I remember the value of the automatic When we're on the outside There's no market that's not cold Wrapped around your world And it's crying for business I don't know where we get off The hours pa** through empty days And day is night when I remember the value of the automatic Please count back until the days when words weren't cheap and calculations Found a place where they were wanted With the value of the automatic Earthbound sounds still ringing in my ear And only semi-audible; trapped beneath a downpour Cut it