(talking) You may see other squirrels I am the greatest squirrel of all They all clutter up your T.V. I am the greatest squirrel of all Believe in the words of the foamy I am the greatest squirrel of all Burn away all the other squirrels I am the greatest squirrel of all They're 12 steps lower than I'll ever be What makes them worth the paces They can try To be better than me Good luck They'll need it now HMM, MMM, MMM, MMM HMM, MMM, MMM, MMM I am foamy (Talking) You were all warned Of the squirrelly wrath You didn't listen Now it's time to get back
I'm gonna blow you all up And I'm -- Getting -- Very -- Mad Squirelly Wrath Wrath Wrath Wrath Wrath Wrath Squirrelly Wrath Wrath Squirrelly Wrath Wrath Wrath Wrath Squirrelly Wrath (Talking) I'm loving the war Anything that k**s of people I'm for Be it disease or another world war I'm loving the war I'm loving the war Because I want my land back I'm loving the war I need less people for that I'm loving the war So go blow up yourselves I'm loving the war I want my d*** land back You f****** b****** (talking)