Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you fear inside your ear
Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you fear inside your ear
Q-tip in my eye, you tell me
Q-tip in my eye
Please extract it swiftly
Please extract it swiftly
Model this for me
Pair of earrings, can't you see
Whisper something in my ear
Whisper something I can translate into
Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you fear inside your ear
Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you hear inside your ear
Blue skies in your eye, you tell me
Blue skies in your eye
Show me something inside
Show me something inside
Eardrum is in pain, I'm not sure
If it has been punctured, doctor
Put it to me gently, doctor
Take me over into your eye
Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you fear inside your ear
Tell me what you hear inside
Tell me discreetly
What you hear inside your ear