String-a-long, string-a-long, that's what I am String-a-long, string-a-long, that's what I am String-a-long - that's all I am is just your String-a-long someone that you just seem to Bring along, whenever you are all alone And need some company you always turn to me String-a-long - that's all I do is sort of String-a-long you never seem to notice I'm along although I hope and pray that You will need me someday All I ever do - is tag along with you No matter where you chance to roam I'm just satisfied - to be by your side Here - there - near - far - I wanna be anywhere you are Treat me wrong and maybe soon you'll lose your
String-a-long, someone may come and bring a Love that's strong and wanna string-a-long with me Break: All I ever do - is tag along with you No matter where you chance to roam I'm just satisfied - to be by your side Here - there - near - far - I wanna be anywhere you are Treat me wrong - and maybe soon you'll lose your String-a-long someone may come and bring a Love that's strong and wanna string-a-long with me I'll find somebody new - won't treat me like you do I'll find somebody new - won't treat me like you do I'll find somebody new - won't treat me like you do