[Verse 1] Car broke down in Arizona Have to ride the bus again Ten-o-clock on Tuesday night With thirteen cents and a broken pen I put my backpack on the bench Tell two people I don't smoke See the cop across the street He thinks that I am selling dope [Pre-Chorus] I could have walked another block To get away from the scene Why does it always come to this Where zero meets fifteen? [Verse 2] And so I gave my thirteen cents To the man who peed his pants He pa**es out and falls on me I watch my change fall from his hand I see the lady next to me Holds her baby black blue The junkie gutter-punks keeps asking Where I got my new tattoo [Pre-Chorus] What does it matter anyway Thirteen cents or all I own? How can I ever save the world On Cup-o-Soup and student loans? [Chorus] I want to try and save the world But it never goes that way God, I don't know what to do Down at Colfax and Broadway [Verse 3] Now the man with no shoes on Says I don't know how to play He says I fumble all the time He thinks that I am John Elway Put my face down in my hands Water wells inside my eyes What do I have to give them? Does it matter if I try? [Pre-Chorus] I can't stand to see you suffer I try to intellectualize
A formula to end your pain It doesn't work God knows I've tried [Chorus] I want to try and save the world But it never goes that way God, I don't know what to do Down at Colfax and Broadway [Bridge] Sometimes my cup is overfilled Sometimes I'm too afraid that I'm going to spill [Chorus] I want to try and save the world But it never goes that way God, I don't know what to do Down at Colfax and Broadway [Reese] Hi Keith [Keith] Hey Reese. What's up? [Reese] How are you doing, buddy? [Keith] I'm good. How are you guys doing? (Crowd cheers.) Cool Thanks you guys for coming and staying up late with us [Reese] Hey, Keith, um, what are you doing over there? [Keith] Uh, over here? [Reese] Yeah, over there [Keith] I'm keeping it real. What are you guys doing out there? Are you keeping it real? (Crowd cheers.) [Reese] Word [Keith] Keep it real [Leanor] How about under there? [Reese] What? Hey yeah! Keith, what were you eating under there? [Keith] Under where? [Reese] Oh my gosh, you were eating... (laughs maniacally) Oh, wait, we gotta take that off the albums [Keith] I don't get it [Reese] So it will make it in the, in the Christian bookstores