Drunk as the Pope on a dead afternoon Minding your business when somebody burns a bank It's funny how money can go up in smoke Everyone scarpered and nobody left to thank Poor little pigs, hear how they squeal Back up against the wall - how does it feel? Mambo! Nothing but pigeons in your Swiss account It's tough to be chic when you live in a cardboard box And the radio playing the same old bad news Jingles remind you your savings are in your socks
Poor little ship, see how it sinks Being poor is a bore, but damn it, what did you think? Mambo! Nobody knows when you when you're down and out Is it surprising the devil invented revenge? Ah, but every good captain goes down with the ship You paid for the movie, you might as well see the end Poor little rats, lost on the sea It's another case of better you than me Mambo!